Problems On Set
Contact ACTRA Ottawa
- During office hours – 613-565-2168
- Emergency 24/7 – HAVEN Helpline – 1-855-201-7823
Non-Emergency Situations
Most problems on set can be resolved by talking with production personnel. In the event of a disagreement, do NOT hold up production. Make your point respectfully and pass the problem to your agent or ACRTRA Ottawa.
What ACTRA Needs to Know to Help You
We need to have all the relevant information to help you. When you are reporting an issue to ACTRA, be prepared to provide the following:
- Your name
- Your ACTRA number
- Agent name
- Production name and location
- Date and time of the call
- Nature of the problem
The ACTRA Business Representative will not reveal your name to the production as the source of the complaint. Keep a written record of the incident.
On Set Emergency
Situations when you should contact ACTRA immediately:
- Issues involving child performers (eg. children under 12 years old working more than eight hours a day)
- Harassment, discrimination, bullying or violence
- Unscheduled stunts or dangerous situations where stunt performers are not being used
- Unscripted nudity or sexual situations not outlined in the contract or rider
Health & Safety
Productions are responsible for ensuring a safe work environment. Safety concerns should first be reported to the Production:
- Productions will have a designated person responsible for enforcing the production’s Safety protocols and COVID-19 health and safety policy. Check the call sheet for their contact information.
- If your issue concerns an intimate scene, assistance may be available from the intimacy coordinator if one has been engaged by the production.
- If this is an emergency, you have the right to refuse unsafe work. The Occupational Health and Safety Act gives workers the right to refuse work that they believe is unsafe to themselves or others. Workers who believe they are endangered by workplace violence may also refuse work. The specific procedure to follow in order to establish a work refusal may be found in Part V of the the Ontario Government’s online Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Violence
Members are protected from workplace harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence while working under an ACTRA agreement. Reports to ACTRA are confidential – we will not take action without reviewing the options with you and obtaining your permission. Members can report and access counselling 24/7 by contacting HAVEN Helpline 1-855-201-7823.
Need Counselling, Health Services or Crisis Support?

- Assistance is available for workplace related issues 24/7 at HAVEN Helpline – 1-855-201-7823. Chat available via Lifeworks App (more info here)
- The Members and Family Assistance Program (MFAP Support) is also available to members who have Bronze, Silver or Gold level benefits through AFBS.
Telephone 24/7: 1-844-880-9142
TTY: 1-800-363-6270 (English) / 1-800-263-8035 (French) - Identify yourself as having access to the MFAP through AFBS. You will need to provide your ACTRA membership number and date of birth. You can also access the plan through the Lifeworks App (more info here)..