Ottawa Green Committee News

ACTRA Ottawa acting sustainably to offset our carbon emissions!
ACTRA Ottawa decided to walk-the-talk in ‘Acting Sustainably’ in support of greening productions and encouraging members to focus on changes that will have a positive environmental impact. ACTRA Ottawa selected Tree Canada to offset our Branch office carbon emissions through their Grow Clean Air program “by contributing to carbon credit purchases that help protect old-growth trees in British Columbia”. We also opted to support their National Greening Program to compensate for our Branch carbon emissions by contributing to their “mass seedling plantings across Canada, where there is a need for reforestation or afforestation”. We calculated our total carbon emissions for our Branch using Tree Canada’s Carbon Calculator. Based on their methodology, our annual carbon emissions, generated by the total of our Council meetings and the full-time work of our Branch Rep, totaled 0.8tCO2e.
We offset our emissions through the purchase of a 1 tonne carbon credit on November 11, 2022
“Each Tree Canada carbon credit is a government-sanctioned certification that one tonne of greenhouse gases (tCO2e) has been sequestered from the atmosphere. Through this program, individuals and businesses can help purchase carbon credits to offset their emissions. After a credit is purchased, the carbon is retired in the British Columbia Carbon Registry.“
Based on Tree Canada’s calculation to compensate for our emissions, we purchased 5 seedlings on October 24, 2022
“In addition to the restoration of forests and wildlife habitat, trees planted through the National Greening Program contribute to cleaner air, cleaner soil, and cleaner waterways. This carbon compensation program is a hands-off initiative for organizations that wish to have a larger impact by planting $5 seedlings across 5 Canadian regions.“
We’d love to hear how you are reducing your carbon footprint on-set or at home, let us know at:
We’d like to get together with members in the fresh air in the spring with an ACTRA Ottawa Green activity. So stay tuned and keep ‘Acting Sustainably’!